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For purposes of determining a student's eligibility to remain at CSUDH, both quality of performance and progress toward her/his objective shall be considered. Such eligibility is based upon a grade-point computation.
An undergraduate student is subject to academic notice if at any time the cumulative grade point average in all college work attempted or the cumulative CSUDH grade point average falls below 2.0. The student shall be advised of academic notice status promptly. A student shall be removed from academic notice when the cumulative grade point average in all college work attempted and the CSUDH grade point average is 2.0 or higher.
A student on academic notice is subject to academic disqualification when:
A student who is not on academic notice is subject to academic disqualification when:
An undergraduate student may be placed on administrative academic notice for the following reasons:
If a student is placed on administrative academic notice, a written notification will be provided that describes the circumstances that led to the action, the requirements necessary to be removed from this status, and the conditions that may lead to disqualification.
A student who has been placed on administrative academic notice may be disqualified from further attendance if:
When such action is taken, the student shall receive written notification including an explanation of the basis for the action.
In addition, the Provost may disqualify a student who at any time during enrollment demonstrates behavior unfit for the standards of the profession for which the student is preparing. In such cases, disqualification will occur immediately upon notice to the student, which shall include an explanation of the basis for the action. Furthermore, the campus may require the student to discontinue enrollment as of the date of the notification.
Students who are disqualified at the end of any enrollment period should be notified before the beginning of the next consecutive enrollment term (spring or fall). Students disqualified at the beginning of a summer enrollment break should be notified at least one month before the start of the fall term. In a case where a student should be disqualified at the end of a term but timely notification is not possible, the student will be notified that the disqualification may be effective at the end of the next term. Such notification should include any condition(s) that will allow the student to continue in enrollment. Failure to notify students does not create the right of the student to continue enrollment.
The readmission of a previously disqualified student is by special action only. The university normally will not consider a student for reinstatement until the student has not attended for one semester and until she/he has fulfilled all recommended conditions. In every instance, readmission action is based upon evidence that the causes of previous low achievement have been removed. The evidence includes transcripts of work completed elsewhere subsequent to disqualification and other objective evidence. A request for reinstatement must be filed in order for a student to be considered for reinstatement. Formerly disqualified undergraduate students who are interested in being reinstated should contact The Registrar’s Office at (310) 243-3645 for information regarding the process to request reinstatement as an undergraduate student at CSUDH.
For more information on Academic Notice, please refer to the University Advisement Center's website regarding Academic Disqualification.
Official withdrawal is necessary if a student leaves the University at any time after registration and does not intend to complete the semester. Please Note: A student who does not officially withdraw shall receive "F", "WU", or "NC" grades for all registered courses.
Weeks 1 through the end of the add/drop period | If a student needs to drop all courses enrolled in for a term, he or she may do so online at My.CSUDH before the term begins and during the first three weeks of the semester. They may also submit a Change of Program Form [PDF] which must include all of the courses they intend to drop. No signature required. The academic record shows withdrawal but does not indicate specific course. NOTE: Drops in the 4th week can only be done via a Change of Program Form [PDF]. |
Census through Week 11 | Drops during this period must be for serious and compelling reasons. Signature of instructor and Department Chairperson is required. A grade of "W" will be assigned for all courses. No refund of the State University Fees allowed. Prorated tuition refund in accordance with refund table in current Schedule of Classes. Starting in the Fall 2009 semester, students can withdraw from only 18 units (typically 4-6 classes) during the course of their studies at CSUDH. After that, any courses not completed will result in a failing grade. This limit applies to course withdrawals during week 4 through 11. Any withdrawals taken before the Fall 2009 term do not count toward the 18-unit limit. |
Weeks 12 through 15 | Drops during this period must be for serious accident or illness. Documentation may be required. An explanation of the reason for the drop must be included on the Change of Program form. Signature of instructor, Department Chairperson and School Dean is required. A grade of "W" will be assigned for all courses. No refund of fees or tuition is allowed. Qualified withdrawals during this period will not count against 18-unit limit. |
If you are planning to take off more than one semester, you must meet with an academic advisor first ( and then apply for a planned educational leave (before you break enrollment) to protect your catalog rights and continuing student status.
For more information on Changing of Programs, visit the 'Add/Drop' section at the top of this webpage.
Student performance in each course is reported at the end of each semester by one of the following grades (with the grade points earned):
Grade | Description | Grade Points |
A | Excellent | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 | |
B+ | 3.3 | |
B | Very Good | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 | |
C+ | 2.3 | |
C | Satisfactory | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 | |
D+ | 1.3 | |
D | Barely Passing | 1.0 |
F | Failure | 0.0 |
I | Incomplete (Not counted in grade point average) | |
IC | Incomplete Charged | |
WU | Withdrawal Unauthorized | |
W | Withdrawal (Not counted in units grade point average) |
AU | Audit (Not counted in grade point average; no units allowed) | |
CR | Credit (Not counted in grade point average; but units count for bachelor's degree) | |
CR* | Credit in sub-collegiate course (Not counted in grade point average; no bachelor's degree credit) | |
NC | No credit (Not counted in grade point average; no units allowed) | |
RP | Report in Progress (Credit is deferred until course grade is received) | |
*** | Graduate Continuation Course | |
RD | Report Delayed |
Sometimes students may feel that they did not receive the grade they deserved. For more information on the Grade Appeal policy, refer to the University Catalog.
To appeal a grade, the student should contact the Department Chair.
A grade of "Incomplete" may be assigned if a student is unable to complete a definable portion of course work and indicates that there is still a possibility of credit upon completion of this work. If an “Incomplete” is granted, the coursework must be completed within one academic year from the year the “Incomplete” was granted.
Normally, the student is responsible for applying for an "Incomplete" grade and for obtaining instructor approval for the assignment of this grade. In exceptional circumstances, the assignment of the "Incomplete" may be initiated by the instructor. For each "Incomplete" grade assigned, the instructor will submit the Incomplete contract through their "Faculty Center."
The student is responsible for contacting the instructor regarding the provisions for completion of course work. If the instructor of record will be unavailable when the work is to be completed, department chair approval must be obtained before the instructor assigns a grade of "Incomplete." This approval will indicate that the department has made provisions for assuring that the student's work will be graded and that a Change of Grade form will be submitted to The Registrar's Office.
A definitive grade for the term is recorded when the work has been completed and a Change of Grade form submitted by the instructor (or department chair, as noted above). An "Incomplete" grade will be automatically recorded as an "IC" (if the course was taken for credit) or "NC" (if the course was taken for credit/no credit) if the work is not completed and a Change of Grade form submitted within an academic year. "IC" is counted as a failing grade for grade point average and progress point computations.
Faculty who wish to extend the original time limit up to a maximum of one additional year may do so by filing the appropriate form with the Registrar.
Students who have received an "Incomplete" may not enroll for that course again until the "Incomplete" grade has been fulfilled. Students who have already registered for a course for which they have received an "Incomplete" will be dropped from that course.
Change of Grade forms for removal of "Incomplete" grades in courses required for graduation must be submitted by instructor or department by the last day of the semester or session of anticipated graduation. Change of Grade forms are available in academic departmental offices.
No grades can be changed for any reason after a degree has been granted.
The Repeat and Cancel policy may be used only by students working toward a baccalaureate degree. It may not be used by graduate/postbaccalaureate students working on master's degrees, graduate certificates, or teaching credentials, or by unclassified postbaccalaureate students, even when they might take undergraduate courses.
Students have the opportunity to identify the pronouns by which they want to be referred. The University acknowledges that a student's chosen pronoun can and should be used where possible in the course of university business and education. Selecting your pronouns is entirely optional. You can change this at any time. The University reserves the right to remove a preferred pronoun that has foul or inappropriate language, represent intentional misuse of this system, or are used for purposes of misrepresentation or academic misconduct.
If a student needs to request an additional copy (or replacement copy) of their diploma, the following link will need to be used to place the request: Diploma Web Store. The process for diploma reorder will take approximately 3-5 weeks for delivery and includes a $15 charge.